美国又发生枪击案 至少3人死亡
2016-07-12 09:26:49
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【超级生活网 sUperLIFE.ca专讯】美国密歇根州圣约瑟夫城内一法院11日发生枪击,至少3人死亡。

The Berrien County Courthouse in St. Joseph, Michigan.Photo credit: Google Earth

当地时间周一,美国密歇根州贝林县(Berrien County)法院发生枪击事件,造成3人死亡,其中两名遇害者是法院法警。另一人受伤。


贝林县治安官保罗·贝利(Paul Bailey)表示,在贝林县法院开枪的犯罪嫌疑人被其他警官打死,一名官员受伤。一名贝林显官员对媒体表示,枪手在去监狱的路上夺了一名执法人员的枪,并枪杀这名官员。贝林县治安官脸书信息显示,一名执法人员左臂和手部受伤。

检察官办公室员工表示,枪击发生后,法院被封锁,员工都被要求关在自己的办公室内。州长里克•斯奈德(Rick Snyder)在推特上表示:“请和我一起为遇害者和受影响者祈祷。我们将继续何公众一起分享信息。”

Detroit Free Press报道原文如下:

Berrien County Sheriff Paul Bailey confirmed at a Monday press conference that two court bailiffs — both retired police officers  — were killed and the suspect, an unidentified man, was shot and killed by police.

Bailey said the shooting happened about 2:25 p.m. when a “disturbance” occurred on the third floor of the courthouse.

“The person had shot two bailiffs, they’re both deceased, and shot a deputy sheriff who is at the hospital right now being treated in an emergency room.”

Bailey said the sheriff’s deputy is in stable condition at Lakeland Regional Hospital. Bailey said “several civilians” were also taken to the hospital and are in stable condition as well at the same hospital.

“They went for shelter once the shooting occurred and other brave officers were able to come to their rescue and take the shooter down,” Bailey said.

Bailey said the sheriff’s department is investigating the shootings along with the St. Joseph’s Police Department and Michigan State Police.

“We have the MSP Crime Lab coming down to process the scene,” Bailey said. “We don’t have all the details about what happened or what occurred or how he got the weapon, we will be investigating that along with the homicide task force.”

Bailey called the shootings a “terrible, terrible” event and said additional information will be released later Monday.

“We’re asking people to pray for the families of the deceased,” Bailey said.

Retired Benton Township Police officer Kim Fowler knew both of the slain bailiffs well. He said he worked with one of the men for a quarter of a century at Benton Township and the other, a retired state trooper, was his neighbor.

He said he was stunned by the news. He called both men “100 percent police officers carrying on in their retirement by being in the courtroom.”

“There are always sporadic incidents everywhere in the country,” Fowler said. “Fortunately nothing has happened recently here, but I guess it was our turn in the barrel.”
