受辱中国女乘客委托律师与维珍航空沟通 或上法庭
2016-03-24 07:32:59
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【超级生活网 sUperLIFE.ca专讯】中国女乘客李维(化名) 3月1日在乘坐维珍航空公司VS250次伦敦飞往上海的航班上遭受不公正待遇,维珍航空尚未就此事正式道歉。 23日,李维独家向《环球时报》表示,称其已委托一家英国律师事务所与维珍航空就其法律责任,及其疏忽的职责进行沟通,不排除最终会告上法庭。





这件事可能最终会上庭,在此我将不做任何进一步的公开评论,关于案件进展我谨以请求所有媒体联系我的代表律师,黄精明Jackson Ng律师,来自英国伦敦陈刘律师事务所(Chan Neill Solicitors)。


The last few days have been very difficult for me, especially since the flight where I was humiliated, abused and had to sit through the entire flight in fear.

As I previously stated, I did not expect to have been treated the way I did by representatives of Virgin Atlantic after a humiliating racial discrimination and abuse incident by a fellow passenger. Regardless of the fellow passenger’s state of health, I expected much more from Virgin Atlantic in dealing with such incidents, especially before the plane had taken off.

As such, I have consulted British lawyers and as of this morning, instructed a firm of lawyers to communicate with Virgin Atlantic on the issue of the failings of their legal responsibilities to me.

As this matter could potentially end up in a Court of Law, it would be prudent for me not to make any further comments publicly and I would respectfully ask that all media enquiries be directed to my lawyer, Jackson Ng of Chan Neill Solicitors in London, United Kingdom.

I have always been proud to be Chinese and glad to see that many people are shocked that something of this nature could happen. Therefore, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have given me support and for publicising this matter .

