2014-12-11 08:50:27
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【超级生活网 sUperLIFE.ca专讯】据气象部门最新公布的消息, 暴风雪目前由东向西横扫安省,预计今天上午将大雪将蔓延到安省西南部,降雪总量预计将达到10厘米,而尼亚加拉地区预计约15厘米。



Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board: All buses cancelled for the day.
Dufferin County: All buses cancelled for the day.
Durham Region: School buses have been cancelled in Zone 1, 2, and 3, which includes Brock, Uxbridge, Scugog.
CNIB: The Toronto office has been closed for the day due to weather.
Georgian Bay: School buses cancelled for the day.
Meaford/ Thornbury: All school buses cancelled but school remain open.
Nipissing/ Parry Sound: School buses have been cancelled due to winter storm.
Peel District School Board: All school buses in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga have been cancelled. Schools remains open.
Maranatha Christian Academy: Buses cancelled due to inclement weather.
Simcoe County: All buses in the south weather zone, including Beeton, Bradford, Cookstown and Tottenham, have been cancelled for the day.
Trillium Lakelands District School Board: All buses to schools in Muskoka and the City of Kawartha Lakes have been cancelled.
York Catholic District School Board: All buses cancelled for the day.
York Region District School Board: All buses cancelled for the day.
