康州学校枪击案嫌犯住所发现一具尸体 其父死于新泽西家中
2012-12-14 16:47:59
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【超级生活网 sUperLIFE.ca专讯】美国哥伦比亚广播公司报道,在对美国康州学校枪击案嫌犯住所的搜查中发现一具尸体。




总统奥巴马在白宫就此事件发表讲话时忍不住落泪,几度哽咽。他说,今天是让所有人心碎的一天 “Our hearts are broken today,”。据统计,这起枪击事件中的致死人数仅次于造成32人死亡的佛吉尼亚理工大学枪案,成为美国史上的第二大枪击案。


康州警方于今日上午当地时间10点左右接到报警求援。报案者称,一名头戴面具,着防弹服的男子持4把枪支在上午9:40左右进入该校。 24岁的枪手Adam Lanza,被警方当场击毙,现场发现一把来福枪和一把手枪。警方同时就枪击案件盘问了另一名男子,但无法证实他涉入该案。警方同时留置了枪手的兄弟。而枪手在新泽西州的女友与部分朋友目前仍然下落不明(MISSING)。

该事件引发当地极大恐慌。案发现场混乱,许多孩子满身是血,极度恐惧、情绪不稳定。家长不顾当地紧急部门劝阻,争先恐后冲到学校把孩子带回家。目前该校及周边地区已被大批警察全面封锁。在电视画面上,甚至出现了FBI SWAT特种部队的身影。(RUCJLR)


The White House said Friday that President Obama has “enormous sympathy” for  the families that have been affected by the deadly mass shooting at a  Connecticut elementary school. The president plans to speak about the  tragedy at 3:15 p.m. ET at the White House.

Authorities say at least 26 people, including 18 children, were killed Friday  when a gunman clad in black military gear opened fire inside the school.  According to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Obama was briefed on the  shooting Friday morning by counterterrorism adviser John Brennan and is  continuing to receive regular updates.

“I know the president, as a father, does, and I as a father, and others who  are parents certainly do, which is to feel enormous sympathy for families that  are affected and to do everything we can to support state and local law  enforcement and to support those who are enduring what appears to be a very  tragic event,” Carney said.

He said incidents like this “weigh heavily” on the president. Carney said  Obama has spoken with Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy to express his  condolences.

The White House also said the FBI is supporting state and local law  enforcement officials in Connecticut as they respond to and investigate the  incident.

Carney wouldn’t say whether the shooting would make gun control a higher  priority on the president’s agenda, but he said there would be a day for  discussion on that policy issue.

“But I don’t think today is that day,” he said.

据ABC报道,美国康涅狄格州学校枪击案嫌犯身份确认,24岁的枪手Ryan Lanza,身份证颁发地为新泽西州,据报道其母亲是发生枪击案学校的教师。




康州学校枪击案嫌犯住所发现一具尸体 其父死于新泽西家中

