带15名孩子藏身壁橱躲过一劫 音乐教师成枪击案中英雄
2012-12-14 22:05:50
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【超级生活网 sUperLIFE.ca专讯】一名音乐教师在康州枪击案中带领15名孩子躲进了一间壁橱,并将门死死堵住。枪手在外面一边锤门,一边高喊着“让我进去!”。不过,最终枪手没能得逞,而这些孩子们也幸运地躲过一劫。

A music teacher managed to save 15 children  during Friday’s shooting massacre at Sandy  Hook Elementary School in Connecticut by barricading them into a closet,  while gunman Adam Lanza, 20, stood outside screaming  ‘Let me in! Let me in!’

Maryrose Kristopik has been hailed a ‘hero’  by parents after herding the children to safety in a closet and barricading the  door to prevent Lanza from entering.

An unnamed mother, in her 40s, whose nine-year-old son was among the children said:  ‘I want to thank her. She saved their lives.

‘The shooter kept banging on the door  screaming: “Let me in! Let me in!” but he didn’t get in.

‘Now I have to explain to my nine-year-old  son that his friends won’t be coming back. How am I supposed to do  that?’

Brenda Lebinski said her eight-year-old  daughter is safe thanks to the teacher’s  decision to move all kids into a closet when a gunman had entered the  building.

‘My daughter’s teacher is my hero,’ Lebinski  said. ‘She locked all the kids in a closet and that saved their  lives.’

带15名孩子藏身壁橱躲过一劫 音乐教师成枪击案中英雄

Third grade school children at Sandy Hook Elementary  School, about 60 miles northeast of New York City
